Wednesday, November 30, 2016

One year married.

It's certainly not been the easiest of years for us and I don't often write more than a few words on this blog - but these are words I want to remember.
A year of various health issues for me .. constantly having to re-adjust our expectations and practice patience. So much patience.

Todd said it's almost like we knew we were going to be challenged.
Our vows we wrote and spoke to each other this time last year, under a gum tree in Margaret River;
whatever path life may take us on, let's make our steps clear so the other may see.
i'll wait for you, and should i fall behind. wait for me.

It's been a path that has hugely tested my mental spirit, constantly trying to remain positive and see the fortune in what has been a series of misfortunes.

You can get caught dwelling, wallowing, you can easily lose perspective and certainly the green eyed monster can come out strong. Envy over other people's lives and situations.
But it's become incredibly clear to me that life simply goes on and it's my life that I want, not others'.
My husband, my family, my house, my dog, my friends. My identity.
And my life is damn good.

Every part of me is so grateful for Todd. Together we keep walking this path, making our steps clear and pulling each other through.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

A few celebrations lately!
Steph's Baby Shower, James' "double denim" thirtieth and Sofie's thirtieth!