Wednesday, November 22, 2017

31 years old today    ...  and here are some of the things I am most grateful for at the moment ...

- this baby wriggling inside of me
- Todd's cooked breakfasts on the weekend and sneaking sips of his coffee
- a new camera to capture this new season of life
- all of my orchids re-flowering thanks to a gorgeous student
- washing loads of teeny tiny grey and white clothes
- the calmness Rusty brings me
- friends who drop everything to help
- the thoughtful presents trickling in that will help me prepare to be a mum
- the nesting hormones that have me pottering and sorting and cleaning
- how easy this pregnancy has been on me
- clean sheets to make nights a little easier to sleep
- lists, lists, lists to help my forgetful brain
- oversized dresses
- warmer weather
- beach visits