Monday, March 26, 2018

You are so chatty! Really looking into our eyes and talking back

You make the best smiles in the morning when we lean over your bassinet and unzip you

You slept from Perth to Dunsborough and Perth to Denmark! You love the car and we are so grateful!

Really starting to lift and hold your head in tummy time

We've given you a dummy and you love it. Possibly more than you love us.

You love nappy free time. Always give the biggest smile when the nappy comes off.

You've started to pretty consistently go to bed at around 7pm and often give us a long stretch until midnight or 1am

You've cut your night feeds right back to two

You've moved up to the 10th percentile for weight and are just over the 50th for height

You've found your hands and you love hitting the bells and rattle on your play gym