Saturday, September 22, 2018

9 Months

You're on the move! Commando crawling everywhere

All of a sudden you want to climb on us and up. Wriggle worm!

You love anything you can pick up off your highchair - particularly peas and blueberries. I never want to forget the way you eat peas. Picking them up in your fist and then scooting them to the top of your hand and tumbling them in.

You love your food!

You have two teeth! Your front bottom two. They were pretty painful to get through and you bit me one day which is how we knew they'd cut through!

You are chatting away. We're sure it makes sense to you. 'Baba' is your favourite sound. You also like to shriek in call and response to us.

Still having two long day naps. Nights are all over the shop still!
When you wake up from your nap, we always pull the blinds up and you look for Rusty and then smile when you spot him.