Thursday, November 22, 2018

You are walking with your book trolley! Albeit a little rocky!
Every time we hold your hands you'll pull yourself to standing and start shrieking. You LOVE to be standing and walking.

You still love your food! Favourites include little baby tomatoes, frozen raspberries and peas, blueberries, watermelon, different types of meat

You're saying new sounds all of the time now. "yeah yeah" ... and when asked "what noise does a cow make" you answer with a cute little "booooo"

You stood on your own for about three seconds inspecting your monkey toy. It was amazing - and possibly a fluke!

You are still wearing some 00 (size 3-  6 month pants ..) but growing out of 0s length wise!

You're becoming more energetic and rough and tumble. You love climbing over us and on to things.

Nights have been shocking!! For about a month now you've been teething. The top four teeth have given you so much trouble. The top two are through and we can see your eye teeth just sitting there.
You've been very upset during the evenings and waking up at least twice for milk/cuddles and even panadol.

You give kisses and it's the bloody cutest things. Bit open mouthed "ahhhhhh"

You love watching people, a real little sticky beak!

You wave and clap a lot!

You've started pointing

You've started understanding different instructions. Like "pull the plug" and "put it in the box".

You currently love putting things inside other things. Blocks inside the bucket etc