Monday, September 27, 2021


You're TWO Ethan! 
We joke that the mood of the family is based on how you're feeling but it is so true!
You light up the room and get everyone around you engaged and laughing.

You absolutely adore your big brother and ask to read books in his bed each night.
You're cheeky and affectionate and you feel big emotions.
You've learnt to scoot in just one day and play so independently.
You're speaking in these broken sentences and we are starting to see more and more of you come to life as you tell us what you're thinking. 

Love you beautiful boy. 

You gobbled up the blueberries on your birthday table and Will helped you open all of your presents up. Your favourite presents were the red duplo tractor, your own textas, little duplo Bob the Builder figurines and Nannie and Pop's "Rubble" that sings Bob the Builder.

You requested a "bin truck cake" and we enjoyed it in the afternoon with family!