Thursday, December 16, 2021


Four months with baby Flynn!

You're rolling constantly now. Only from your back to your tummy. You can see you getting stronger and starting to enjoy being on your stomach more.

You've definitely hit that four month leap but it's been nowhere as bad as the other boys. You just really do have such a placid nature. A little more grizzly and needy but otherwise still your happy self. Nights have been more wakes and feeds and resettles but you don't take much to settle! You're now waking 3 or 4 times each evening and still starting off early mornings - but that seems to be how we roll in this family.

You're getting used to your hands! Slowly grasping things and bringing them to your mouth. 

You often giggle at people and your eyes track others until they lock with yours and you smile.

We had you measured at the child health nurse and you are off the charts for your height, literally! And sitting just under the 50th for weight. A long lean bean!