Monday, February 21, 2022


Sleep has not been our friend on the island. Averaging about five or six wake ups a night, little man just didn't getting much good sleep in. Todd sent me off in the morning for a coffee which I happily drank in the sun sitting on Fayes Bay beach. We made our way back down to Geordie where Flynn did another morning snooze in my arms and woke up much happier and restored! He absolutely loves the beach and water ...shrieking and flapping and splashing with his arms. 

We tried his first solids! Avocado and pumpkin

 ... He loved it ...hungry boy. Got some family snaps on the balcony which I love for how imperfect they are and then enjoyed the view for our final bbq dinner. Peeked in on our oragami toddler before bed. Another wonderful day of sand and sun and family time.