Tuesday, August 16, 2022


Our little Flynny River is one year old!

You have five teeth
You don't sleep through the night, no where near it, but you do a great couple of day naps
You crawl, climb and walk wobbly steps everywhere
You love to sit in the pram and watch people
You wave and say "hey"
You play peekaboo 
You love your blue bunny and doing whatever your brothers are doing 
You've done nine little road trips in your short 12 months
You sit at the table with us and eat off the main table
I still feed you to sleep each night and treasure each minute of it
You're really engaging and try to talk "hey" "ray" (hooray) and brrrrr when you drive a little car
You smile and duck your head on to our chests 
Favourite foods include granola biscuits, strawberries, pate, cucumbers and fish