Sunday, December 23, 2018

Celebrating Willem's first birthday!

We woke up to colourful balloons in bed and then some presents on the floor. The golden egg shaker was the biggest hit.

It was a crazy hot day which meant the party had to be moved from Point Walter to our place. People began arriving and Beth was there to help Will open his presents. Kids played out the back in the paddle pool with no clothes and ate icy poles. We cooked up sausages for lunch and had family bring salads. The poor cake began to melt and it was nearly a mud slide of animals falling off! Will just stared at the sparkler!

A big nap later and he was ready to spend some time with his cousins. Bubbles out the back, baths together and then thai take away for the adults.
Couldn't have imagined a more perfect day for this little guy. All the special people in our life coming together to celebrate.