Saturday, December 22, 2018

You're coasting around furniture and walking with the walker. Still don't think you're very close to taking your own steps though!

You don't seem to like getting your knees dirty so it's a bear crawl most of the time

You now say 'mum' and 'dada' ... you also making noises for elephant, chicken, fish, tiger, cow

You love to climb on and off furniture and all over people

Seemed to have night weaned, but still wake for a drink of water or a cuddle. Rarely do you sleep through

You. do. not. sit. still. (unless eating)

Still mad about your food. Can't seem to get enough into you! You're having smoothies now so I can try to fill you up. 

You're still on two naps a day .. around 9am and 130pm .. each ranging from 1.5 - 2hrs

You love books, buses, icy poles from the freezer and the beach

You're still very interested in how things work - a scientist maybe? Putting things in and out and taking them on and off

Still have the waist for 00 pants (!) but growing out of the 0s length any day now

You constantly kiss and blow raspberries on us

You've started to scream when you're frustrated or there's something you see you want but can't have

Each day your personality comes out a little more. It's so hard to believe how quickly you've changed into a feisty and yet cuddley little boy. We love you so much!